As you may remember, the Vestry appointed John Morlu to step into Rich Garon’s vacant space on the Vestry, serving out the remaining months of his term through January 2022. This Sunday, we’ll take a moment during the service to commission John. I asked John to answer a few questions so that we would have the opportunity to know him better:
How long have you been a follower of Jesus?
43 years
What’s one way Jesus has been important in your life?
Jesus has blessed me by giving me the tools, means, wisdom, and desire to be of service to others. Over the years, I have been blessed to be of service to so many people.
How long have you and Angie been at Immanuel?
We started attending church and church events in 2008, but officially joined in 2011, approximately.
What’s one hope or dream you have for Immanuel? Or something you’re currently encouraged about?
I would like to see Immanuel continue as a congregation that is primarily focused on Jesus, above all else. And so, I have been quite moved and encouraged by the introduction of the word “intentional” for everything we do as a people, walking with and trusting in Jesus, alone. As a sinner, I too have been guilty of being passive at times in my Christian journey.
After receiving a Vestry notebook and a copy of the book The Rector and the Vestry, John attended his first Vestry meeting at the end of June. We’ve already benefitted from his participation!
By the way, did you know that you are able to learn what happens during a Vestry meeting? Barbara Finney, our Registrar, does an excellent job of recording the minutes of each meeting, and these are available to the members of the congregation. Once the minutes of the previous meeting are finalized and approved, they are posted in the church office. Beginning today, you may also email Barbara at and ask that she send you a copy. This is one of the ways of staying informed about our life together at Immanuel.
Another way of staying informed, of course, is to read the rest of The Weekly below! Among the notices, you’ll see an update from the Move Team about visual evidence that construction on the Mission Outpost property is continuing.
Tomorrow I’ll send out a Special Announcement with regard to the next steps in lifting COVID restrictions for our worship services. Please read the announcement, and get in touch with the Wardens or me with any questions. Even as restrictions ease, do remember that COVID remains a concern—just this week I’ve prayed with several people whose loved ones are suffering anew from the virus. Continue taking care of yourself and others, and praying for a full end to the pandemic.
And trust that your fellow Immanuel members are making thoughtful choices with regard to vaccinations, face-coverings, and social distancing. “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19), and “in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:3-5). May our words to each other bring encouragement, conveying the love and mutual commitment we share through Jesus.
Your Pastor in Christ,