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“Practicing the Presence”


Let’s start the party!/Let’s celebrate!/Let’s sing together/Acts 2:28


All week long the above song has been thumping in the Nave at church as kids and volunteers sing and dance, play and learn during Vacation Bible School. What a joyful time! The source of that joy, of course, is the truth sung out in Acts 2:28.


You always show me the path that leads to life. You will fill me with joy when I am with you.


Peter quotes these words out of Psalm 16, declaring that they foretell the resurrection of Jesus. As we follow the risen Jesus, he leads us into life, and all along the way there is joy with him.


For me, the key is remembering along the way that Jesus is indeed with me. One of the most helpful ways of “practicing the presence of God”, as the monk Brother Lawrence would call it, is “The Examen.” Set aside about 10 minutes once a day to pray through the following movements:


·        Presence: Remember Jesus is with you right now, and renew your awareness of the Father’s love for you. Ask the Holy Spirit for grace to pray through this examen.

·        Gratitude: Review your day (or the previous day), recalling two or three things for which you are thankful. Take a moment to savor them, then thank God for these gifts.

·        Review: Review your day, noticing where you experienced God’s presence. Pay attention to moments of peace, connectedness, joy, and gratitude. Notice everything from large to small, from an enjoyable interaction to the sound of bird. When did you love? When were you loved?

Also notice the moments when you felt distant from God—times when you felt alone, angry, afraid, cold toward yourself or others. When did you harm yourself or others? When were you harmed

·        Forgiveness: If in the Review you experienced regret, or an awareness of failing to love or to receive love, tell Jesus about it. Then ask for the healing touch of the forgiving Father, who with love removes your heart’s burdens. Make a choice of your will to receive His love and forgiveness.

·        Grace: Look to the day ahead, asking Jesus to guide you into specific next steps. Then ask the Father to give you the grace to walk into those steps, empowered by his Spirit.


As this becomes a regular practice, you will grow in your awareness of the presence of Jesus all along the way, throughout each day. This in turn will open your heart to moments of joy, widening the conduit of grace that enables you to continue on the path that leads to life.


Come this Sunday ready to celebrate the joy that Jesus brings! We’ll be welcoming the VBS kids and their families, enjoying worship at the 10:30am service, as well as food and fellowship immediately afterward.


Your Pastor in Christ,

P.S. “The Examen” is an ancient practice introduced in the 16th century by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. The above description is my version of the practice, drawn from Father Timothy Gallagher, Brother James Martin, and my spiritual director Gail Pitt.


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